Pro-Fertilität für die Frau # pro-fertilitet for kvinden # pro-fertility for woman # parantamaan hedelmällisyyttä naiselle # pro-fruktbarheten for kvinnen # pro-fertiliteten för kvinnan

INOCAPS® contains also folic acid. Folic acid is a B vitamin found in the diet, but each Health and Food Administration Authorities recommend taking a supplement to get enough folic acid before conception and during pregnancy, to prevent certain types of malformations of the heart and spinal cord.
Based on these authorities recommendation any women planning to become pregnant should take immediately a daily supplement of folate or folic acid (practically the same) of 400 micrograms. INOCAPS® contains a daily dose of 420 micrograms, so there is no need for additional supplementation.
A good rule of thumb may be to begin with folic acid one months before you stop using birth control. You should continue to take folic acid at least until you concluded your 3rd month of pregnancy. During this period form the neural tube in the child, and studies have shown that women who take folic acid during this period, reduce the risk of having a baby with neural tube defects significantly. Myo-Inositol, also a component of INOCAPS®, enhances this protection.
Neural tube defects can cause various types of malformations. The degree of anomalies can vary widely; from bone defects of the spine, which are usually meaningless, of spina bifida, which can cause serious disability, the lack of development of the brain. The malformation occurs when the neural tube does not close on 22 and 29th day after fertilization. Neural tube develops later to the brain and spinal cord. The degree of malformation may vary widely.
With intake of INOCAPS® your and your baby's need of folic acid covered.

Ingestion of 3 caps per day is recommended, best one in the morning, one around noon and one in the evening with water around 30 min before or after the meal to avoid reduced efficacy e.g. by coffee. Please do also not use liquids with high sugar content like juices. In case of a forgotten capsule, please take the forgotten capsule with the next one scheduled together.
Keep out of the reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Dietary supplements are not intended to replace a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Store in a dry place away from direct light at room temperature.

INOCAPS® contains a unique combination of myo-Inositol, amino acids, anti-oxidants and minerals contributing to normal fertility and reproduction for women as well as supports the management of PCOS. Looking into the components you might feel, it it a multi-vitamin preparation with myo-Inositol. This is not the case. The selected ingredients support each other on your intra-celluar level and each component plays an important role in your reproductive processes and/or an important role to your unborn once pregnant.
Myo-Inositol: your body produces myo-Inositol naturally in the kidney. However, as myo-Inositol is water soluble, you cannot store it. Low myo-Inositol levels increase your risk of several health issues including metabolic disorders like higher cholesterol levels and diabetis. It has been found that overconsumption of antibiotics or caffeine can decrease the natural myo-Inositol levels in the body significantly. Within the group of Inositols, myo-Inositol has been the most studied form in several test and clinical studies and has proven to be effective. High dosages can be helpful for constipation, high blood pressure and may be beneficial for diabetes type II prevention.
Myo-Inositol plays an important role in your body’s metabolism on the cell level and acts there as an insulin sensitiser. Insulin is making sure the cell can generate energy there. In addition it is found to have an important role in the central nervous system, nerves and brain.
It was shown that high levels of myo-Inositol are present in germ cells to provide energy for your follicle cell maturation, meiosis and eggs (oocytes). Several studies have demonstrated that treatment with myo-Inositol improves insulin resistance in lean and obese PCOS women, reduces androgen levels in women with increased levels, regulates ovulation and fertility to normal levels and seems to reduce risk for Gestinational Diabetis (GDM). In addition it demonstrated strong antioxidant properties without compromising safety aspects and enhancing folic acid protection of the unborn against NTD. As newborns have a higher need on myo-Inositol, it is part of any infant formula.
Alpha lipoic acid: This natural occurring compound acts as an essential cofactor for certain complexes in your body. Alpha lipoic acid possesses potent vitamin-like antioxidant activity and functions in the same manner as many B-complex vitamins. It has been used as an antioxidant for the treatment of diabetes and HIV. It also has been used for cancer and various other conditions.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that alpha lipoic acid stimulates various processes in your body including insulin signaling and interacts with and recycles glutathione.
Dietary supplementation with alpha lipoic acid improves some markers in healthy overweight or obese women, independently of potential weight loss, and supports indirectly reproductve health and fertility.
Glutathione: Glutathione peroxidase is an enzyme whose main biological role is to protect your organism from oxidative damage. As an endogenous antioxidant it has a ubiquitous role in many of your body's defense mechanisms. Glutathione plays also an important protective role in the energy metabolic cells including germ cells. In particular through its activity on the follicular fluid which positively influences the quality of the eggs (oocytes).
L-carnitine: Is produced naturally in your body. Its active derivate L-Acetyl-Carnitine have for a long time been defined as essential amino acids for health. It is involved in your metabolism and supports your energy supply to germ cells. A study concluded: These beneficial effects show great promise in its application as a treatment option for women facing infertility disorders.
L-arginine: This semi-essential amino acid is produced by your body, but often not in sufficient quantities. It is needed in large quantities and is a precursor of nitric oxide. Therefore, it plays an important role in cell division, the healing processes and the release of hormones. In a clinical study L-arginine appear to improve woman’s fertility, with 33% of previously infertile women conceiving after taking the supplement for some months.
L-cysteine: this amino acid is a common building block of proteins throughout your body. It is an antioxidant, which helps lung and brain function and promotes liver detoxification. In addition it supports the glutamine synthesis.
Studies confirm that women with fertility problems and PCOS display significantly lower plasma levels of L-cysteine compared with the normal controls suggesting supplementation is beneficial.
Selenium: This important essential trace element is an ingredient in many multivitamins and other dietary supplements, including infant formula. Selenium is important for your cell protection and is a component of several antioxidant enzymes. Beside others, it is a basic nutrition for your normal gonadal development and fertilisation. Molecular studies show that the gonads actively take up and store Selenium, most of which is incorporated in the glutathione peroxidase enzymes. This suggests its positive role in fertility through its contribution to the normal thyroid function and protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage.
Vitamin B2: Vitamin B2 helps your body to convert carbohydrates into glucose and is essential for the energy metabolism. In addition it helps your body metabolize fats and protein and is necessary for a healthy liver, skin, hair, and eyes. It also helps your nervous system function properly. In addition to producing energy for the body, Vitamin B2 works as an antioxidant, fighting free radicals. Free radicals can damage cells and DNA, and therefore may contribute to a number of health conditions, such as heart disease and cancer.
Regarding its role in fertility, Vitamin B2 is needed to help the body change vitamin B6 and folate into useful forms. It has a positive role in hormonal balance and in reproductive health. As it contributes to the normal metabolism of iron, essential for nidation of the fertilised egg and healthy development of the unborn.
Zinc: it is an essential trace element for your body and the second most abundant transition metal in organisms after iron. Most Zinc is found in the brain, muscle, bones, kidney, liver and parts of the eye.
However, a Zinc plays several roles in your reproductive system, one key role is cellular Zinc influx for the regulation of your egg (oocyte) development through modulation of the meiotic cell cycle. Therefore, EU authorities approved beside others the health claims that Zinc contributes to normal DNA synthesis, to normal metabolism and to normal fertility and reproduction.
Vitamin B5: Vitamin B5 contributes to normal synthesis and the metabolism of both steroid hormones and Vitamin D. Therefore, Vitamin B5 supports in your body the processes of follicle development, ovarian function, fertilitsation, nidation and the healthy development of the baby.
Vitamin A: This is an essential micronutrient throughout your life. It is essential for growth, vision, reproduction, embryonic development and tissue maintenance.
Research confirmed that pregnant females with Vitamin A deficiency had markedly reduced rates of cell division in both placenta and fetus; leading to visible lesions in the placenta and the resorption of fetuses and no offspring were born. But already small amounts supplemented restored reproduction to normal.
Vitamin A contributes to normal iron metabolism, the maintenance of normal mucous membranes, and has a role in the process of cell specialisation.
Iodine: 15 to 20 % of Iodine is concentrated in thyroid tissue and hormones, but 70% of all Iodine in the body is found in other tissues, including mammary glands and the cervix. In light of female sub-fertility Iodine supports a normal energy-yielding metabolism and prevention of any hormonal imbalance. In addition contributes to the normal growth of children and is important during pregnancy.
Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 contributes to the regulation of your hormonal activity, to normal protein and glycogen metabolism.
Biotin: this is the B8 Vitamin and an essential nutrient that catalyzes critical steps in your metabolism of fatty acids, glucose, and amino acids. Therefore, it contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism, the normal macronutrient metabolism and the maintenance of normal mucous membranes, all important for your normal reproduction.
Manganese: this trace element is essential for your normal physiology. It is a component of arginase, superoxide dismutase and other important body owned substances. Manganese-deficiency exhibit adverse effects, e.g. impaired growth, skeletal abnormalities, reproductive deficits, ataxia of the newborn, and defects in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Manganese appears to have a vital role in your reproduction. It is necessary for your cholesterol synthesis, which in turn is required for synthesis of the steroids, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Insufficient steroid production results in decreased circulating concentrations of these reproductive hormones and irregular cycles in your ovaries. The corpus luteum has high manganese content and may be positively affected by level of manganese supplementation. A deficiency in manganese may be associated with suppression of estrus, cyclic ovaries and reduced conception rate. And manganese supports energy-yielding metabolism and as protection of cells from oxidative stress.
Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is needed in your body for for the conversion of homocysteine to methionine. This substance is essential in the processes to produce DNA, RNA, hormones, proteins, and lipids. Therefore, Vitamin B12 has the official claim by EU authorities for contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism and homocysteine metabolism. In addition, it contributes to normal red blood cell formation, to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and has a role in the process of cell division.
Vitamin D3: Serum levels of Vitamin D3 are reported to predict ovarian response in women undergoing IVF. This was independent of BMI. Low levels of Vitamin D3 were found to be associated with lower rate of follicular development and pregnancy. A study of 60 subfertile women with PCOS were randomised in 3 groups, supplemented with Vitamin D3, metformin or both. Women with the combination demonstrated a higher number of dominant follicles supporting the idea that Vitamin D3 may be very important for your fertility. A number of clinical studies identify the association lower vitamin D3 levels in women with features of hyperandrogenism in women and circulating androgens in women with PCOS.
And Vitamin D3 contributes to normal absorption/utilisation of calcium and phosphorus and has a role in the process of cell division.